lunes, 10 de agosto de 2009

kciwgdeS eidE - retsiniS dna retsiniS gintteG erA sgnihT(2008)

tuve que copiar la técnica de Newton de escribir al revés para que no nos bajen pronto el link, no saben cuanto he buscado este disco!!

yaura siiiii se jodieron... todos preparense para enloqueceeeeer!!! no saben lo que les espera! ajústense los cinturones de seguridad... alisten el airbag de su vehículo y echenle vatios maldita sea!!!! Por cierto no estoy sugiriendo que manejen mientras oigan les disco, sugiero que saquen el airbag del carro y lo pongan contra la pared de su cuarto.

Edie se volvió loco! procuraré conseguir todos los discos para postearles los links, por lo pronto este disco que está espectacular! por alguna razón don edie insiste en poner los nombres de las canciones tomando nombres de actores, actrices, cantantes, políticos etc famosos todos, no se cual es el sentido de esto, talvez así atrae una mayor atención para un disco que merece toda la atención.

No se que es lo que tiene tanta magia?!? será el bajo que en cada track es mejor, mas animado y llevadero? será la manera de cantar un poco caótica y desordenada, un semi grito cantado, no se que es, les dejo a que enloquezcan! (honestamente creo que es una peligrosa mezcla de maduro con queso, para los que me entiendan)
chequeen el track que se llama "Bambi/G.W. Bush"

Que es lo que quieres de nosotros Edie?!?!?!

3 comentarios:

Huascar dijo...

a continuacion les pongo la carta que edie(Justin Moyer) envió a Dischord Recordings para convencerlos de promocionar su disco, eso si que se llama tener humor y los huevos bien puestos:

Dear Dischord Records:

From the results of a painstaking Google search, I recently learned that you release music by popular, independent, forward-thinking rock-and-roll musicians. I myself am a popular, independent, forward-thinking rock-and-roll musician. Thus, I write to insist that you release my third full-length album, Things Are Getting Sinister and Sinisterer, as soon as possible.

As you may be aware, my aesthetic coalesced at the end of the 20th century when I discovered that I am the transgendered reincarnation of Andy Warhol Superstar Edith Minturn Sedgwick (1943-1971). Recognizing that my unusual birthright would bring notoriety and financial gain, I began producing pamphlets, video installations, haikus, short lectures, comedy routines, blogs, long-form non-fiction essays, and (of course) music about mass media and the American culture of celebrity. I released my first full-length record, [TITLE REDACTED], on [LABEL REDACTED] Records in 2000. My sophomore effort, [TITLE REDACTED] on [LABEL REDACTED] Records in 2005, came fast on my first record’s heels. Between albums, I have laid my soul bare for audiences who have paid to see and hear my art in nightclubs, on the campuses of colleges and universities, and on the European continent. Risking humiliation, arrest, and deportation, I have delivered my singular creative vision – Fela Kuti meets Screaming Jay Hawkins meets the Ol’ Dirty Bastard at a Warhol exhibition –- to the world. I have broken 1,000 hearts, and earned millions. I call upon you now to recognize the genius of Things Are Getting Sinister and Sinisterer and offer the opportunity to share the artistic and financial profits from this masterwork’s immediate release.

According to Wikipedia, you have built an unimpeachable catalogue around intellectual honesty, integrity in business affairs, and a do-it-yourself ethic. Though I myself am not honest, lack integrity, and am reluctant to “do things myself,” I trust you will overlook these alleged shortcomings in the name of my new record’s undeniable artistry, sheer danceability, and overwhelming panache. In this cold world, great men must sometimes call upon great men in the name of a great cause. Today, as Winston Churchill called upon Franklin Delano Roosevelt; as Fidel Castro called upon Che Guevara; and as Clint Eastwood called upon Hilary Swank in Million Dollar Baby, I, Edie Sedgwick, call upon you, Dischord Records, in the name of Things Are Getting Sinister and Sinisterer.

I eagerly await your reply.

Yours in struggle,

Edie Sedgwick

LS dijo...

Después de semejante reseña y de su audaz estrategia auto-promocional, sería inaudito no bajarse este album. Pura curiosidad.

Anónimo dijo...

este disco lo andaba buscando, gracias brosters.... les pido como acerrimo seguidor un tost de los FANFARLO